Healthy, intelligent & athletic field bred working golden retrievers.
Brief Summary
Turbo Retrievers is owned by Ron and Pat Rubrecht. Our start began in 1984 while on a work assignment in Minnesota where we purchased our first golden as a pet. We have been hooked ever since...
While Turbo Retrievers and training of our Goldens are not our primary focus in life, it is a major love and fulfillment for us as we continue to work for a living.
With our children grown and gone the dogs now have become the kids in our home along with our grandchildren. The adult children often wonder why the golden girls have a better childhood than they did, enjoying a custom built pool for the dogs as well as a big yard for them to run around.
We have the opportunity to train some in the evenings, while Pat and I both continue to work. I am fortunate with the ability to take our dogs to work and they are able to work with us throughout the day, unrestrained in our daily life together. When the U.S. economy entered its trying times a few years ago, I was provided an opportunity with more time to train throughout the week. As the economy continues to recover, we are much busier and I have the great fortune of weekends off to compete. Turbo Retrievers is doing quite well with three Master Hunters in our house, Sharlie, Molly, and JoJo.
Our training has resulted in completion of goals in running Hunt Tests and Field Trials. We had invitations to the 2014 Master National Trials in California for Sharlie (two years running), Molly, and JoJo. We had Bella Marie and Cali running Master tests with Master passes into the Fall of 2014. While we worked to get the necessary master passes with Bella Marie and Cali, our focus was and is moving the three Master Hunters in our house into more field trials in search of some third asterisks (All Age Qualified)!
Turbo Retrievers breeds the best hunting and field Golden Retrievers possible. We have a limited breeding program and maintain the highest standards in breed clearances while utilizing the best genetic information available to improve the breed with our every breeding. Our program is dedicated with the personal pride of doing the very best breeding we can do using the technology available today to produce the smartest dogs available anywhere.
Turbo Retrievers owe a special thanks to Jackie Mertens, of Topbrass Retrievers. Jackie has provided dog infusions into our family over the years. Topbrass Retrievers has provided guidance in the who’s who of golden retrievers, as well as some memorable guidance in life. Thanks Jackie!